Investor Relations at Indo Count

There are numerous reasons to invest in Indo Count. Our executive team is comprised of some of the most respected people in the industry. Our clients and partners are household names around the globe. We also believe that having a happy and safe work environment makes a big difference for everyone – and increases productivity. We strongly invest in employee training, community social responsibility programs, as well as water recycling and energy conservation to make our communities better.

Strong Performance

Indo Count’s growth strategy builds momentum and sustains growth year after year. We are fast, agile, and respond to client’s needs with solutions that make a difference in consumers’ lives. We are also the fastest growing Indian manufacturer in the U.S. and Europe, another key factor for our exceptional rate of sustained growth.

Our Leadership Team

Our executive team is comprised of some of the most respected people in the bedding industry. They have the knowledge, experience and track record to generate global business and grow companies.

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Indo Count maintains the highest level of ethics and accountability regarding Corporate Governance. We are committed to achieving our goal of maximizing value for all stakeholders in an honest and transparent manner.

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Corporate Social Responsibility

The key philosophy that drives our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives is guided by our belief that “Every Smile Counts.” 

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We understand that a skilled workforce is a productive workforce. Developing employee skills and imparting knowledge is one of our top priorities. We conduct regular training programs to ensure that employees have the skills to do their jobs safely and efficiently.

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Energy Conservation Management

We have implemented and continue to explore and add the latest technologies to help us conserve energy. We’ve moved to LED lighting, use gravity fed systems for water exchange and harness steam to create more efficient processes.  

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